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Singristet separating head
The grinders WP130, WW130, WW160, WW200 can be equipped with the grinding and separating head SINGRISET. This is an innovative mechanical system patented by Ekomex-Pilśniak and dedicated to the brand’s grinders. Such a configured machine becomes a universal and effective low- and high-pressure separator, largely eliminating harder fractions such as: tendons, cartilages, gristles, , bones, hard fat, veins, during the process of grinding meat into a structure from 2 to 7 mm. The complete head consists of elements:
- main screw with tool collector
- support ring with sliding bushing
- separator screw
- hole filter with holes ⌀ 1,2,3,5,7 mm or slots under 1mm
- pressure valve with nut
EKOMEX grinder with SINGRISET head, becomes effective machine for knife-less grinding, grinding vegetables, cheese and meat with simultaneous sinews removal, separation of gristles and other harder fractions, which improves the quality of received product.
It can also successfully replace expensive, dedicated devices for separating poultry and pork bones and fish bones.