„Internationalization of the offer of machinery and equipment for meat processing"
„Internationalization of the offer of machinery and equipment for meat processing”
The project is implemented as part of co-financing for the priority axis: III. Competitiveness of SMEs for measure 3.5. Internationalization of the region’s economy for the sub-measure: 3.5.3. Internationalization of SMEs.
Project co-financing agreement number: UDA-RPSL.03.05.03-24-0329 / 19-00
Date of concluding the contract for co-financing the Project: March 5, 2020.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Śląskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to present the offer by participating in fairs.
The planned effect is the internationalization of the offer of machines and devices for meat processing and increasing the export of these machines and devices.
Project value: PLN 394,824.00
Co-financing value: PLN 175,695.22
Intermediate Body: Silesian Center of Entrepreneurship
We encourage you to visit the institution’s websites:
European Union – www.europa.eu
Ministry of Regional Development – www.mir.gov.pl